join the revolution

choose how to collaborate

give your opinion

Share your thoughts and co-design with us. Be part of the collective intelligence.

Vote in FB


Have an open design? Share it. Thinking about opening one of your design? Today its that day

Post in FB

Build a prototype

Bring your creation. Make your design a main protagonist of La Maker House.

check the designs


back us up and be part of the future

your show room 

You will be the protagonist in our open design meetups, and will have a special section to show your work and speak to our guests.

Learn more

we build your designs

We find who can locally build your design. We exhibit, finance, and promote your art. 

Learn more



Join the challenge and help us create the first home where all its furniture is maker made and open design. Participate in the design, the production, and selection of furniture, cutlery, crockery and accessories for La Maker House.

Share open designs, build furniture, propose ideas, handcraft or digital joinery. Print cutlery, home and furniture accessories. Tell us about your favorite DIY tutorials. Give us your opinion and help us choose which proposals will be part of La Maker House.

things we do or want to do home

These are short term challenges, under 2 months that are develop online

Propose ideas to enjoy your favorite time of the day. Siesta time ;)

drain cleaning dishes

Propose ideas to drain the things we wash by hand.

intimate dinner illumination

How can we have on demand elegant dining lighting? Propose ideas ;)

Living room table

Propose ideas to share tea and coffee with friends around a practical place to lay our cups.